

Many Christians today want to drink from the cup of salvation, but they balk at lifting it up to others. The American church is top heavy with those who’ve read all the latest books and attended all the best bible conferences with all the coolest contemporary personalities.... but who have never led another person to Jesus. We gorge ourselves on knowledge in a world starving for the gospel. We pay highly trained professional clergy to enlighten us, edify us, feed us, and entertain us.... but they are often reluctant to speak of repentance, conversion, sacrifice, or the cost of discipleship for fear of losing us. Lord, have mercy! -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Redeeming Our Trials

The Joseph of Genesis went from luxury and ease, to slavery and hardship almost overnight. However, he teaches us that the worst this world can dish out will often be used by God to accomplish His great purposes. Fear no evil when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. God is with us. Trust in his sovereign plan. He may be sending you on ahead… positioning you so that, years from now, you can be of comfort and help to others in their time of great need. It may even be someone who has angered you and hurt you greatly. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

The Way God Provides

God rescued His people from Pharaoh’s army and certain death by providing for them a way through parted waters. By faith, they walked the narrow way. They had come to a place of desperation and saw no other way to be saved. Very few complained about it being the only way. When death comes knocking and someone offers us a way of escape, only the foolish will protest. The way to eternal life that God provides is still narrow. It’s the Jesus way. The wise and the desperate seldom complain about it being the only way. They simply take it and are saved. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Swearing Church Mice

Be careful what you swear to in front of God and witnesses. Peter boldly declared that he would die before ever denying Christ. He swore to God. But when the soldiers came, he ran like a rodent off a sinking ship along with all the other disciples. None of them were ready to die for Jesus just yet. Later, when asked if he knew Jesus, “Peter the mouth” became “Peter the mouse” and swore in a whole different way. We can easily become just like Peter. A little denial here… a little silence there… and the next thing you know, we too have become mere church mice. When was the last time you spoke up for Jesus outside the church walls? -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom     

Fit In or Stand Out? - You Choose

Our lives will make an impact in this world when we stop working at ways to fit in, and begin pursuing ways to stand out. -- Friar Tuck's Occasional Wisdom

Critical Spirits

Religious people are notorious for chastising those who drink and smoke while excusing themselves for being critical, stingy, and gossipy. To criticize people for one sin while we’re doing another is religious hypocrisy. It is one of the main drawbacks to letting religion rule in your life, and one of the main reasons people avoid church. Religion will almost always cause us to look around at others and think, “Why can’t they be more like me”. Instead, we should be looking at Jesus and asking, “Why can’t I be more like Him.” – Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

No Whining

Seeking help almost always comes before finding it. So, if you don’t ask God for help, don’t whine about not getting it. And remember, it’s always best to ask for guidance before you get stuck in the slop hole of stupidity. -- Friar Tuck's Occasional Wisdom