
Showing posts from December, 2021

Welcome to the Real World

As the old saying goes, “Welcome to the real world, baby.” In this week after Christmas, put aside your traditional warm and fuzzy stereotypes of the Nativity. The real world that Jesus was born into was a dangerous place… a place of death, violence, abuse, indifference, and neglect. Herod felt threatened by this newborn King and to fix the problem, he killed all the boys in Bethlehem under the age of two. It was a day that lives in infamy. Welcome to the real world, baby! Things haven't changed very much because humanity hasn’t changed very much. In spite of our so called “evolutionary progress”, we still live in a world where people have no room for God. We live in a world of school massacres, constant war, terrorist bombings, and abortion on demand. People are still killing babies and children with abandon every day. Lord, have mercy! -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

The Big "G" God

The Virgin Birth is unbelievable unless you believe that nothing is impossible with God. But the real argument is not about what Mary was or wasn’t…. it’s about who Jesus is or isn’t. Mary is called the “Mother of God” because her first-born son claimed to be Immanuel, God with us. Jesus wasn’t just “godlike”. He wasn’t “a god” with a small “g”.,, He is God with a big “G”!  He is Creator, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Alpha and Omega, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, the great I AM, the Word become flesh! Jesus is Lord! Being born of a virgin is no big thing for a God this big. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Seeking God

The Magi came from far away looking for Jesus. This makes them the very first “seekers” in the New Testament. They came in faith, seeking Truth and Light. They came to worship and even though they found Christ in a stable rather than a palace, they bowed before Him because one bows in the presence of a King. They were "overjoyed" to be in the presence of God. Genuine joy bubbles up like fizz in soda pop when it’s genuine and identifies the heart that has drawn near to God. They also came prepared to give and opened their treasures to the newborn King. Joyful worship always give generously. Joy to the world, the Lord has come. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Timeless Jesus

On that first Christmas night, eternity stepped into the confines of time and lived for a while among us. God subjected Himself to hunger, pain, aging, and even death. Jesus was God incarnate… God in flesh. He was not a created being like the angels -- He is the Creator! Christ’s life breaks free from the confines of time because He created time. He is the great “I AM”. You can kill a man like this, but He won’t stay dead. Although Jesus had a human birthday and a time of death, because He is eternal, He rose again. And those who follow Him will also rise again and receive this same eternal life. Merry Christmas! -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom