Welcome to the Real World
As the old saying goes, “Welcome to the real world, baby.” In this week after Christmas, put aside your traditional warm and fuzzy stereotypes of the Nativity. The real world that Jesus was born into was a dangerous place… a place of death, violence, abuse, indifference, and neglect. Herod felt threatened by this newborn King and to fix the problem, he killed all the boys in Bethlehem under the age of two. It was a day that lives in infamy. Welcome to the real world, baby! Things haven't changed very much because humanity hasn’t changed very much. In spite of our so called “evolutionary progress”, we still live in a world where people have no room for God. We live in a world of school massacres, constant war, terrorist bombings, and abortion on demand. People are still killing babies and children with abandon every day. Lord, have mercy! -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom
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