
Showing posts from October, 2021

Struggle Less, Cooperate More

Just like the child who fights the parent holding them still for a shot of antibiotics, we often struggle against God’s work in our lives. We cry out, “No! Please don’t! It hurts!” But God holds us firmly in his grip and administers what we need to make us well and strong. It may be difficult for us to comprehend, but pain may sometimes be the provision of God for our long-term health, growth, welfare, and protection. Struggle less, cooperate more! -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

One Way

God rescued His people from Pharaoh’s army and certain death by providing them a narrow way through parted waters. It took faith to walk through, but they had come to a place where they saw no other way to be saved and so they took it. Very few likely complained about it being the only way to be saved. When death comes knocking and someone offers us a way of escaping it, we seldom protest. The way to life is still a narrow road provided by God. It’s the only way -- the Jesus way. The wise will not complain about it being the only road. They will simply take it and be thankful. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

It's God Calling

God’s mercy is never ending! That’s good as so many of us seem deaf to God’s call on our lives. But God’s calling will not go away. If the Lord called you ten years ago and you’re still messing around in the land of procrastination, just know that He will outlast you. He has a lot more time than you do! So, you might as well say yes. And if you’re thinking your time has passed and God couldn’t use you, just look at some of the sketchy old characters in Scripture that God used in a mighty way. If God used them, He can certainly use you. Jesus is waiting. Answer the call. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Eyes of Faith

It’s hard to walk on water when your eyes are on the storm. We’ve all had those times of doubt and despair when we can’t see God’s hand in our circumstances – times when our near-sightedness won’t allow us to see past the edge of our comfort zone. But then God gives us new eyes and we begin to see with faith, even while in the midst of the storms and darkness. That’s when we realize that God’s plan is not only much bigger than ours, it’s also much wiser, and much more important. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Name Droppers

There is power in the name of Jesus. There truly is something about that name. That is why the world works so hard to keep His name out of everyone’s hearing. Just the name is a threat to the darkness and chaos. Believers, we must not be complicit in this effort. We are called to give what we have, and one of the things we have is His name. Represent the name well. Honor it, publish it, praise it and give it away! Speak His name audibly whenever possible. Do not hold back. Souls are at stake. This is a case where it is definitely okay to be a name dropper. -- Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom