
Showing posts from March, 2022

No Whining

Seeking help almost always comes before finding it. So, if you don’t ask God for help, don’t whine about not getting it. And remember, it’s always best to ask for guidance before you get stuck in the slop hole of stupidity. -- Friar Tuck's Occasional Wisdom

Defining Moment

God led His people out of Egypt and right up to the edge of the Promised Land. Here they reached a fork in the road of faith. It was the defining moment of a generation, and they failed the test. This people had walked through a parted sea on dry land. They had been led by a pillar of fire. They had witnessed water coming from a rock in the desert. But they refused to trust in the power of God to give them victory. Their failing eyes looked at the size of their enemies instead of the size of their God. Their faithless hearts were filled with doubt rather than determination. Their fear swallowed up their faith. They behaved as unbelievers, and they died like unbelievers. They would never enter the Promised Land. They perished as stragglers in the desert. Don’t join them in their faithless and fatal folly! – Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom

Public Faith

Our God is a public God. He wants to be known in this world He created. He wants to be glorified in the lives of His people, not just hidden away in our hearts. That’s why so many of the heroes of faith built some kind of public altar as a testimony to their personal encounter with God. Jesus wants to shine through us. Those calls to keep our faith private do not come from His heart… they come from the dark side. The duty of man is to glorify the Lord. That can’t happen when we keep Him hidden away like some distasteful family secret. – Friar Tuck’s Occasional Wisdom